This summer, three friends find the courage to step into the next chapter of their lives...

The rules of summer book club are simple:

  • No sad books
  • No pressure
  • Yessssss, wine!

Besties Laurel and Paris are excited to welcome Cassie to the group. This year, the book club is all about fill-your-heart reads, an escape from the chaos of the everyday—running a business, raising a family, juggling a hundred to-dos. Even the dog is demanding (but the bestest boy).

Since Laurel’s divorce, she feels like the Worst Mom Ever. Her skepticism of men may have scarred her vulnerable daughters. Cassie has an unfortunate habit of falling for ridiculous man-boys who dump her once she fixes them. Paris knows good men exist. She’s still reeling after chasing off the only one brave enough—and foolish enough—to marry her.

Inspired by the heroines who risk everything for fulfillment, Laurel, Paris and Cassie begin to take chances—big chances—in life, in love. Facing an unwritten chapter can be terrifying. But it can be exhilarating, too, if only they can find the courage to change.

“Susan Mallery is a maven of heartwarming summer reads! The Summer Book Club is a page-turner about the best things in life: books, friendship, love, and finding the courage to live our best lives.”

Katherine Center, NYT bestselling author

"A charming, feel-good story of the ways that devoted friends—and great books!—can change our lives with the summer vibes I’m needing right now! There’s a dose of Susan Mallery magic in all her novels; this one just might have an extra scoop!"

Kristy Woodson Harvey, NYT bestselling author

What Booksellers Are Saying

Review from Page 158 Books

Review by Barbara W, Page 158 Books, 415 Brooks St, Wake Forest NC 27587

Meet Laurel and Paris, two long-time friends, and members of their own Summer Book Club. Cassie is new in town. She is there only to check on an inheritance left to her by her uncle; then she's leaving. Laurel and Paris welcome Cassie, and she joins in the Summer Book Club. They each have past romance issues but now find themselves involved in new relationships. Does the Book Club center around books or their own stories? You will enjoy the friendships between the three and finding out how they each deal with their current love interests. Another great Susan Mallery read.

Page 158 Books

Review from Barnes & Noble

Review by Camela K, Barnes & Noble, Austin, Texas

A story of three women finding love a second time around. It’s the perfect book for a weekend getaway. Can’t wait to hand sell this book :)!

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